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What ever happened to this project?Do you still have it?Will Discovery air the Bluebook Film, or do another documentary?Did it work?As of April last year, the project was shut down due to moisture and location details. The moisture from the rainy winter caused the ark to create an emp pulse that destroyed a 15kv 60ma transformer, brand new 307$ unit. We melted the tar out of the unit and attempted a stovetop repair (if you have a pure white kitchen or a lady in your home, NEVER DO THIS) all we did was make a big mess, and verify that the secondary melted. As a result a long clean up ensued and we ended up having to throw away the custom t-shirts we used as rags for the mess that day. This section will get filled out more as we go along with the testing of the Ark.So far, the coils have been run outside of the box due to the large saltwater temporary capacitor in use. I have found although thick rubber insulated wires are great, the best wire I could find is aircraft cable, coated. Otherwise known as clothes-line. The electrons flow really well through this wire. Also it seems to have the same insulation factor as expensive neon sign wire. When in need of another wire, just clip off another piece of the roll, and solder a couple of terminals onto it. The first main test of the box it's self was Nov 11 06. The point was to observe whether or not it charges up as a capacitor. The lightning went from 8" to 24 inches, also the box generated large amounts of ozone inside the empty box. The fact that the box will by its nature displace all "air" inside it while in operation lends to the theory that when it is running assembled, it may be some kind of massive radio vacuum tube set. The tests proved that the box is capable of being a very high output tank capacitor. Due to the subsequent destruction of the neon sign transformer (NST), we will be making a set of heavy duty chokes to protect the new NST from the high voltage slamming of EM pulses that occur during operation. There is much more on this topic to come, as time permits. |