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Hutchison Effect VIDEO SECTION

Some of John's Favorites clips

Described by John as a portal phenomenon, electronic fog caused by the Hutchison Effect button Tech TV - Watch John Hutchison on Tech TV's "Invent This" button
John Hutchison in "Free Energy - The race to Zero Point" button Interview with Nick Cook the author of "The Hunt For Zero Point" button
Levitation of an empty 2L bottle caused by The Hutchison Effect. button Levitation of an empty 2L bottle caused by The Hutchison Effect. button
Aluminum bar jellification caused by The Hutchison Effect. button Levitation of a bottle caused by The Hutchison Effect. button
Anomalous behavior caused by The Hutchison Effect. button A Bowl Spinning on its axis. button
Levitation of a broom caused by The Hutchison Effect. button Anomalous behavior of a drillbit caused by The Hutchison Effect. button
Levitation of a toy UFO caused by The Hutchison Effect. button Objects randomly flying around caused by The Hutchison Effect. button
Levitation of a propane canister and WD-40 can caused by The Hutchison Effect. button Levitation of a propane canister and WD-40 can caused by The Hutchison Effect #2. button
Levitation of plastic caused by The Hutchison Effect. button More Classic Hutchison Effect footage. button
Very first footage of the Hutchison Effect. The samples phase in and out of existence. This seems to be the first example of teleportation. button Other invisible samples never before publicly seen. button


Lightning Vandegraph
