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Hutchisoneffect Samples

Aluminum bar jellification caused by The Hutchison Effect button Brass bar mutilated by frequency button
Jellied metal cylinder button Closeup of aluminum button
Aluminum bar jellification caused by The Hutchison Effect. button Samples from the Max Planck Institue button
Aluminum bar jellification caused by The Hutchison Effect. button Part of John's private collection button
Anomalous behavior caused by The Hutchison Effect. button Aluminum annomalies. button
A stainless butter knife moulded into a block of aluminum. button Piece of wood morphed into aluminum. button
Spontainious transmutation of stainless. button Microsopic view of aluminum grain structure. button
Levitation of a dissappearing bar of steel. button The disappearing cannonball. button
A cast iron sample phasing out of existence. button A copper pipe disappearing as it rises. button
Very first footage of the Hutchison Effect. The sample wobbling in and out of existence. button Other invisible copper pipe samples never before publicly seen. button

Lightning Vandegraph
